  • “Bold Move” or “No Other Choice”?

    My initial reaction upon hearing that Osama bin Laden had been killed was one of shock coupled with a pleasant relief that we finally got the bastard. The ensuing days were flooded with fanfare from media, much of it lauding Obama for his bold, risky, “take command” approach to the situation. Initially I tended to [...]

  • “Bold Move” or “No Other Choice”?
  • 2010 Election Reflection
  • A Referendum on “Dude” and his Ideological Minion’s Behavior
  • Government and Union Workers Wages, Benefits, Helping to Destroy America
  • Left Ready to Blow a Circuit
  • Fundamentally Change vs. Restore America
  • The Nation

  • 0
    LEAD, Barry… By Example…

    LEAD, Barry… By Example…

    It is becoming increasingly difficult, frustrating, and disappointing to watch Barack Obama blunder his way like Mr. Magoo through the perils that this nation is facing during his presidency. It is my hope that the declines in his favorable/unfavorable ratings amongst the electorate are indicators that perhaps others are seeing his ineptness and becoming increasingly [...] Read more »

  • 9
    Barry Still Can’t See The Fault Belongs To His Lack Of Leadership

    Barry Still Can’t See The Fault Belongs To His Lack Of Leadership

    Well, Barry came out after his emergency meeting with Reid and Boehner, and what he said really actually told me a lot about this not ready for prime time community organizer. Let’s take a look at what he said about the meeting, and his perspectives on the situation. Oh, yes, accompanied by commentary from me [...] Read more »

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    Budget Battle Blues

    Budget Battle Blues

    Let’s look at some ideas on the current budget battle. 1. You can’t say, whether you are the President, or Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi, or anyone else, that you have met the Republicans halfway. Why? Because if the GOP goal of $100 Billion is to be believed, then you can’t as a liberal dipstick [...] Read more »

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  • The World

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    “Bold Move” or “No Other Choice”?

    “Bold Move” or “No Other Choice”?

    My initial reaction upon hearing that Osama bin Laden had been killed was one of shock coupled with a pleasant relief that we finally got the bastard. The ensuing days were flooded with fanfare from media, much of it lauding Obama for his bold, risky, “take command” approach to the situation. Initially I tended to [...] Read more »

  • 4
    Reaction To Qur’an Burning Should Tell Us Much

    Reaction To Qur’an Burning Should Tell Us Much

    The reaction to the burning of the Qur’an by Rev. Terry Jones of Dove Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida should be very revealing to those apologists who constantly try to deny that there is a radical element in the muslim world that is a “problem”. And that radical element is not small enough to poo-poo [...] Read more »

  • 7
    Kinetic Military Action

    Kinetic Military Action

    Wow. Word parsing at a totally new level. Over the last few decades, our nation (and indeed the world) has seen an effort to soften the blows of words and titles, names, etc., in order to try to make things seem not as they are, or, to at least try to make some terms or [...] Read more »

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  • Courts, Culture, Social Issues

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    Obama Abandons His Responsibility

    Obama Abandons His Responsibility

    With two judges ruling against Obamacare and two judges ruling for, and the lawsuit of 26 states suing to have the law overturned awaiting its journey up the judicial ladder of the courts, it is apparent that what hangs in the balance is the economic health of the state’s economies, as well as our national [...] Read more »

  • 1
    Impeach Obama

    Impeach Obama

    In what I consider to be a stupidly bold move by a president who is already riddled with criticism over his inability to follow what would be considered the rule of law in this country, Pres. Obama today directed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, otherwise known as DOMA. He [...] Read more »

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    Left Ready to Blow a Circuit

    Left Ready to Blow a Circuit

    Well, it is official. According to the most liberal court in our nation, it was deemed in what was reported as a “sharply divided” decision that the President has the powers of “extraordinary rendition”, wherein we as a nation take what are deemed as critical suspects in the war on terror and ship them abroad [...] Read more »

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  • Sports & Entertainment

  • 1
    Charlie Sheen Has Lost His Shine

    Charlie Sheen Has Lost His Shine

    Oh Charlie. Why don’t you just put a gun to it and pull the trigger? I am not sure which is worse- watching this narcissistic self-important arrogant egotist self implode, or watching the whole country obsess about watching him implode. What’s that, you say? I’m writing about him? No, actually, I want to write about [...] Read more »

  • 1
    Time to Overhaul Sheila Jackson Lee

    Time to Overhaul Sheila Jackson Lee

    Have you heard or seen the latest? I’m putting this in “entertainment” because this is truly laughable, and honestly an embarrassment to my sensibilities as a modern-day ‘post slavery’ American. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, in response one of the latest Super Bowl ads, is taking offense to one particular ad from Pepsi. In the add, [...] Read more »

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    Another Way to Blame Bush

    Another Way to Blame Bush

    No, not that Bush… REGGIE Bush… Whoa! Really? The word “Bush” comes up and is not being used by those on the left who want a scapegoat? No- no… This is a different kind of story. Reggie Bush likely will be stripped of his Heisman Trophy due to the fact he broke some rules. Now, [...] Read more »

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  • Media, Polls, Elections

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    Gingrich Backs Health Care Mandate

    Gingrich Backs Health Care Mandate

    Well, no sooner does Newt jump into the race than he basically shoots himself in the foot. Pushed into a corner by David Gregory on Sunday’s Meet the Press, Gingrich said that he supports a sliding scale system that requires everyone to participate and contribute to the health care system. This is not in contradiction [...] Read more »

  • 2
    Freedom Watch

    Freedom Watch

    While I do not always agree with Judge Andrew Napolitano (he is often more libertarian than I) I have to say that if you are not watching “Freedom Watch” on Fox, you definitely SHOULD BE. The show is absolutely wonderful. I am a bit of a Fox News junkie. Yes, you liberal asses, I DO [...] Read more »

  • 3
    Rate Barack Obama

    Rate Barack Obama

    I think it is time for a simple poll. Please take the time to rate/rank Barack Obama as a President (and his upper administration) so far. PLEASE feel free to email this poll to your friends, or send them the link to this poll/site so they can rate Barry as well. There are approximately 15 [...] Read more »

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  • Other Recent Articles

  • 2
    Dem’s Setting Up Republicans- But Not How the Media is Telling You

    Dem’s Setting Up Republicans- But Not How the Media is Telling You

    Regarding the current budget discussions on Capitol Hill, many in the media are trying to tell you that the left is trying to set up the republicans by showing that the tea party element that was elected last November is going to be the reason that the government will shut down, if indeed it does. [...]

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    Goodbye, Geraldine

    Goodbye, Geraldine

    Wow. A little depressing to get the news today that Geraldine Ferraro passed at the age of 75 due to complications (pneumonia) developing from blood cancer. Obviously, I am a conservative, but I think a lot of us are really going to miss her. Unlike so many of the partisan hack punks we have today [...]

  • 5
    My Own Conspiracy Theory

    My Own Conspiracy Theory

    I’m usually not very big on conspiracy theories. More often than not, I find them laced with a little bit of craziness. But I want to present a conspiracy theory that I have not heard represented in the mainstream media, and I’m beginning to wonder why. As we watch much of the Middle East unravel, [...]

  • 1
    Arrest the Children, Let the Adults Get to Work

    Arrest the Children, Let the Adults Get to Work

    What we’re witnessing in Wisconsin is truly one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever experienced politically. After a fair election in November, the elected representatives of the state Wisconsin simply wish to carry out their duties, representing the will of the constituents who elected them. As you know, 14 Democrats left the state of [...]

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    The Wisconsin Union Standoff

    The Wisconsin Union Standoff

    Let’s take some quotes from news wires regarding Wisconsin collective bargaining bill lately (for public sector unions), and just go ahead and give you my two cents worth on them… ************************************************************* “They are trying to bust our union,” Cooper said. “That is huge.” Yes. Well wait. No. Your union can stand. It just can’t negotiate [...]

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    Teachers Teaching Poorly

    Teachers Teaching Poorly

    Watching the news recently, I had the great misfortune of hearing the pathetic comments of some of those who’ve been charged with instructing our kids daily, otherwise known as teachers. With regards to the current strike. I was amazed to hear how insolent and smug these adult “children” are about their actions in the capitol [...]

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    Wisconsin Union Battle

    Wisconsin Union Battle

    What’s really happening in Wisconsin? The recent protests in the state of Wisconsin, regardless of who’s organizing them, appear to show that hundreds if not thousands of people are very upset, when in fact what it is showing, is that tens or hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions across the state, are more [...]

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