
Tag: "Pelosi"

George Bush’s Third Term

George Bush’s Third Term

At some point, Barry and the Liberal “leadership” is going to have to take some responsibility, and stop spending their “inheritance”. Read more »

Left Justifies All Outrage With ‘Hindsight’ Excuse

Left Justifies All Outrage With ‘Hindsight’ Excuse

Unable to ever point anywhere but at everyone else, Democrats continue to live in the world of deceit. Efforts in the last 6 months to a year show a pattern of clouding culpability by feigning outrage in concert with the American people. Read more »

Is Hypocritical Logic a Requirement to be a Liberal?

Is Hypocritical Logic a Requirement to be a Liberal?

Watching the logic of the left run right into itself would be funny, were it not so damaging to this country. Last night I heard that the AFL CIO was protesting the utilization of mexican trucks past a certain point into the US. On the other hand, the left would love to turn a blind [...] Read more »

Can’t Quite Get That Monkey Off Our Backs

Can’t Quite Get That Monkey Off Our Backs

Even with the ascension of a part African American to the White House, race merchants in the black leadership continue to attempt to peddle their message that America is a racist, hateful nation… Read more »

Hypocrisy From The Left As Predicted

Hypocrisy From The Left As Predicted

The chants on the left are rising for Burris to step down. It is very interesting to analyze the differences between how they are handling this case, and how they handled on in the past that was more egregious. Don’t be fooled by their attempt to claim ethical high ground. Read more »

500 Million Jobs to Be Lost Says Pelosi

500 Million Jobs to Be Lost Says Pelosi

The brightest of the bright confidently rattles off a stat which shows she really probably ought to go get some ginkgo biloba… Read more »


President Obama- Why you are in danger with this ass…

President Obama- Why you are in danger with this ass...

Well, we have hit a new low. Another example of stupidity from an over-zealous ass who has no experience, and shows it with his stupid remarks or suggestions. Barack Obama is encouraging the people of the United States to “take the day off” in order to vote. Right in the middle of an economic teeter-totter [...] Read more »

The Real Dangers of an Obama Victory

The Real Dangers of an Obama Victory

The Real Dangers of an Obama Victory

With all of the talk about economic tailspins, and who or whom would best address the problem with their plans, I think it is quite possible that a LOT of Americans are having he wool pulled over their eyes by a crafty half black politician who probably is one of the best actors and orators [...] Read more »


Five Reasons McCain Should Lose…

Five Reasons McCain Should Lose...

 How many things can conspire to make sure McCain is going to lose the election? How did we ever get to a point where a man like Obama could even have a chance? Right now, all evidence points to the fact McCain should lose. Most of the reasons are clear to most of us who [...] Read more »


Conservative Blog Political Potpourri for 5/18/08

Conservative Blog Political Potpourri for 5/18/08

Obama Tries on His Presidential Clothing It is amateur night in the Democrat Party. As I have pointed out already, many on the left think the battle between Obama and Clinton shows strength. The two of them are neck and neck because they are such solid candidates… or so the left would have you believe. [...] Read more »

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