
Tag: "Harvard"


Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 5/29/08

Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 5/29/08

Obama’s Cries “Uncle” Obama recently stated that his Uncle (or someraig. Uncle) liberated prisoners in Auschwitz, and then subsequently came home and sat in an attic for 6 months. Apparently Obama’s Uncle was a Russian (sarcasm), as the US troops never even saw Auschwitz. (Auschwitz was liberated by the Russian Army.) And to add insult [...] Read more »


Conservative Blog KaPOW!!! 5/20/08

Conservative Blog KaPOW!!! 5/20/08

The Emperor Tries to Wear ‘Real Man’ Clothes Well, it was only a matter of time that we would have to see this liberal wuss try to “defend” his “honor”. Going up against a war hero, combat veteran, soon to be 72 year old Patriot, Barack Obama is trying now to set the stage for [...] Read more »


Deciphering Obama’s White Lies

Deciphering Obama's White Lies

Straight and to the point: Obama is a Harvard educated attorney. Attorneys are trained in the use of words, their meanings, and how to tell a story or point of view without compromising a position, so they can go back later and say “I never said that…”, or serve some other purpose. Attorneys rarely say [...] Read more »

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