
You have found the Oasis…

You have found the Oasis...

Searching the net, you have wandered here. The vast wasteland of the Liberal agenda has brought you, starving for life, for sustenance, for some kind of reason… Here, the camels (the donkeys of the desert), sleep. The desert is deprivation and heat, depravation of the soul, and the only hope for survival is to rely on a handout. Whether you are a moderate Republican or a stronger conservative (or even a moderate Democrat), you may find something here which works to soothe the burns from the endless radiation of the Liberal Desert.

 And at the heart of every Conservative is the understanding that freedom is the core of spirit, hope, and control over ones future. As you give up control, you give up freedom, and with it, hope. And it is for that reason that conservatives, at heart, wish to see government limited in our lives.

 At the Oasis, you can find your own sustenance, and stand for yourself. You have the tools, and can make your own way, carving your own future.

 We all know how the saying goes… “Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime.” 

Of course, we are aware there are likely few fish in an oasis!!! 


And I think, surrounded by the riches of the Oasis, “Well, where do I start?”


  I guess at the beginning.

It is November, 2007. In one year we will have a new President.

In one year this Country can have hope, security, and a global presence that will affect generations of free people by perpetuating the ideals of freedom; or it can surrender to the world court of public opinion, bowing to the pressures of the UN, and at home we as Americans can begin seeing our checkbooks, savings, and borders depleted by the liberal agenda.

The battle for the heart and control of this country politically has gotten to the point where far left sugar daddys buy whole congresses, and  far right ideologues are willing to look the other way while supporting someone who is shaky on abortion because they see the bigger threat as coming from abroad.


…and they are right.


At this point in time, politically speaking, I can forgive those who put moral social issues at home aside, if that means we are better able to keep our eyes on the ball abroad. I am not “endorsing” Giuliani here. I am just making a point. Besides, I have often thought Pat Robertson a pretty sharp man, only to have him dispel that belief just about once a month or so with some crazy statement.

So I hope you will join me here when I do have something to say. I have personally found that to be often enough for me to justify having a blog, so this is where we are, where we start(ed), and it should be a fun ride.

 So welcome!


(And if you are a far left liberal, it might be best to just put on your thinking cap and take a seat in the back of the class…) 

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About the Author

COasis is the Conservative Oasis founder, editor, and main author.

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  1. says:

    i like the picture of the title very much!!

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