
Tag: "abortion"

George Bush’s Third Term

George Bush’s Third Term

At some point, Barry and the Liberal “leadership” is going to have to take some responsibility, and stop spending their “inheritance”. Read more »

Lifting The Dover Ban With Hypocrisy

Lifting The Dover Ban With Hypocrisy

The left uses weak arguments in every case they plead… It is a shame they don’t apply their lofty ideals evenly to every issue. The recent lift of the Dover media ban on flag draped caskets is the most recent example of their selective reasoning. Read more »

What is a Liberal? Some Video Answers…

What is a Liberal? Some Video Answers…

This is the first of several videos I intend to do. Coming soon is a video on Immigration and Job Exportation, that is intended to make one think a little, or make you uneasy, regardless of which side of the aisle you commonly find yourself.  This work is not public domain at this time. Please [...] Read more »

Kyoto Failures Appearing As Predicted

Kyoto Failures Appearing As Predicted

Kyoto- The International Energy Shell Game   Bush was criticized heavily by the greenies on the left for not signing the US on to the Kyoto Treaty. The treaty went into effect Feb. 16th, 2005, with critics around the world making claims which your average granola eat tried to discount. However, these same idiots that think [...] Read more »

Exporting Abortion Aid- Increasing Vacuum Cleaner Stock

Exporting Abortion Aid- Increasing Vacuum Cleaner Stock

Well, it has been a week of some amazing news. Some very noteworthy, some weird, some fantastical, some downright scary. However, what has happened this week has been nothing short of the beginning of some changes which are diametrically opposed to the conservative movement. Many of them, I have mentioned on this blog. There is [...] Read more »


Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 5/8/08

Conservative Blog Political Potpourri, 5/8/08

She Needs a Fork! Or Does She? I say Hillary is done. So do most others paying attention, at this point Hillary failed to show strong enough in Indiana, and Obama cleaned her clock in North Carolina. This puts her campaign now officially into “sputtering but indignantly fighting to still seat Florida and Michigan” mode. [...] Read more »

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