
Señor No Cajones (Mr. No Balls)

Barry Picks The Wrong Side, Again…

In what I think is a truly amazing development, Barry and his bumbling Attorney General Eric Holder are talking about taking on yet another position that makes most Americans say “What the ______???!!!”

Arizona is going to enforce a law wherein they give most employers a “two strikes and your are out” approach to hiring or employing illegals. This law is founded in the principle that, while the federal law strictly reserves the right to fine or detain/deport or fine illegals whom are discovered for whatever reason to be residing in the US, it in no way prevents the states themselves from exercising powers in other areas which are normally in the control of the states themselves, such as issuing permits, licenses, etc…

How the law works? The law itself (the federal law) allows (via omission and the the 9th and 10th amendments) states to penalize business owners who hire illegal immigrants. It was recently upheld in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. If an employer is found to employ or hire an illegal, they are given a warning, and they will lose their license for 10 days. Second strike? You lose your license permanently, never to do business in the state again.

And who signed that state law into existence? Another amazing twist… None other than the then Governor OF Arizona, Janet Napolitano, who is now our Secretary of Homeland Security. Do you think Janet will be looking for a new job soon? We’ll see how much integrity she has.

So how do Barry and Holder come into play? What are they doing that is just incredibly ridiculous, and I would contest, un-american? They want to challenge a circuit court decision which has upheld Arizona’s desire to enforce such a law/measure. Yes- you heard me. Barry and company are thinking about appealing this thing to the Supreme Court.

Keep in mind a couple of things here. First off, Arizona has had several laws go up through the courts, and their win loss ratio is just perfect. They are so careful in crafting their laws that they should offer a class on how to write bullet proof legislation. Secondly, this was upheld, by a vote of 3-0, in the NINTH CIRCUIT. This is the most liberal court in our country.

Clearly the Obama left has lost their collective mind, and just cannot stand seeing real and legal steps in order to FORCE immigrants to pay a penalty for being here.

What is happening is exactly what I said here in this blog… and that is, the real reason the left is so vociferous about this topic on the front end (calling people bigots and Nazi’s and racists) is because they sense… they know… that this can not only get legs (other states following suit if AZ wins court battles and starts effectively ejecting illegals) but it can also set another deadly course against them- precedence in the courts

This is playing out in that broader, more insidious way that I told you all about here. The left wants nothing to do with this fight at this level, because it allows for real progress to be made in ways that they cannot contest with honest debate, discussion, and real solutions that make sense for the security of this country.

They are just fearful that they are going to lose the ability to import voters ad-infinitum across our southern borders.

In a strange way, we can thank Al Qaeda for making it possible to get this job done.

As for Barry, this is one of the more stupid things I have seen him do. I don’t see a win here for him. I don’t even see a political advantage here. He will lose this challenge in SCOTUS (not on normal lines, but in a big way), and he is showing he has an amazing propensity for picking the wrong side of an issue. He will enrage Americans across this country with this move (that is, if they are paying attention).

Even in the face of overwhelming support for such laws, Barry still thinks he knows best.

You need to fight for America, and Americans first, Barry. Not for your “vision”, but for the will of the people.

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COasis is the Conservative Oasis founder, editor, and main author.

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